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Terms & Conditions of services - Privacy Policy.


These general conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") are intended to define the relationship between the User (hereinafter referred to as the "User") and ATOLL (hereinafter called the "Company") which offers the marketing related site (hereinafter the "Website").


The connection to or use of the Website whose URL is: remains subject to the full and unconditional acceptance of the User of these Terms of which he was able, prior, to read and respect. The acceptance of these Terms is comprehensive and applies to all provisions therein presented. The User is informed that these Terms of Website may be changed at any time and without delay or notice. The new version will be available upon change. It is therefore advised to regularly consult the latest version of the Terms of Use on the Website. Users are also advised of the possibility of change in the url of this page, without prior notification.


The invalidity in whole or part of any provision of these Terms under any law or regulation or final court decision does not invalidate other provisions or part of the provision not vitiated by this invalidity.


In case of failure by a User of these Terms of the Website, the Company reserves the right to deny access to its website. Assuming you are not in agreement with all or part of the General Conditions set out below, you are strongly advised not to use the Website.

Specific conditions may supplement these Terms of Use.

The Customer will be informed via the Web site before any transaction.


The company offers a service selling personalized astrological studies (hereinafter the "Products") accessible at the url: and in associated emails.

These studies are proposed in the arts and esoteric sciences such as astrology, divination, horoscope, taro-logy numerology, the astromancy … and take the form of simple text or e-book issued paperless electronic channels such as e-mailing (email) or digital download (electronic download). The site offers no provision of advice or service, but only a study produced with the assistance of a computer program.

The reading order of texts and books offered by the site is done differently for each User, and according to preferences. The characters, places, situations and events which are mentioned in the texts issued to Users may be fictitious and do not necessarily link with people, places, situations and events which exists or existed. Mary, and all the characters involved in the site content and e-mails, are illustrative characters. As the photos are pictures used for illustration. The Company uses the brand and visual Mary for the sole purpose of promoting its content covering Arts and Sciences divination.

The User registration on the Website implies no obligation of purchase. The offer of a free reading given by the Website implies no engagement. It is therefore for the User to decide for himself whether to pay to access readings offered to him thereafter. The texts sold to the customer are delivered by sending an email with a download link. Thus, the User acknowledges and agrees that the Company reserves the right to modify, delete, add or replace, at any time, the content appearing on this Web Site without right to any law or indemnity of any nature whatsoever.

The Company undertakes no obligation to guarantee the occurrence of the events mentioned in the site or mentioned in emails sent to members and visitors. The texts provided by the site, and content associated with it can not be treated as advice given by recognized and regulated professions, such as legal advice, medical or psychological. They have solely a recreational, entertainment or cultural goal.

The Company provides no warranties of any kind, express or implied, and this includes without limitation, statements concerning the results to be obtained through the use of the Services offered.

The Company does not warrant that the services will meet with the expectations of the Client that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free.

The content of the study received by the User is subject to its own interpretation. The Company is not responsible for any action, decision, interpretation established by the User after reading an astrological study. The User further acknowledges this before any consultation of the Website.

If the User suffers from an illness, mental instability or encounter special problems (including legal), he must consult the professionals at the earliest opportunity for information appropriate to his case. For the Company to give a personalized and efficient service to the Customer, it implicitly agrees to provide accurate and complete information.


Use of this Website is only for people that have legal majority in their country of residence, and the legal capacity to contract and use a website. The User is required to ensure the veracity and accuracy of the information it provides. Access to the contents of this site is subject to the detection of an Internet connection, direct or indirect. The phone costs concerning the connection to the Internet and site remain the sole responsibility of the User.


Before any purchase of products, the User should proceed to its inscription on the Website. The registration process takes place according to the terms and conditions set out below.

Acceptance of Terms The casual visitor will become the Client after accepting these terms by clicking on the submit button provided for that purpose and after giving his details.

Provision of personal data The User is asked to provide information about himself (name, email address etc..).

The information that the client communicates on the Website allows to process and produce is products. These will be used only as part of the astrological study and not sold to third party companies.


Ordered texts, free or paid, are routed through electronic channels such as emails or files to download.

The Company is not responsible for blockages that could cause difficulties in the delivery of textes, such as spam filters and virus filters.

The User must verify the settings of his computer and add the sender address to his list of accepted contacts.


acknowledges receipt of the order of Products by sending an email to Customer summarizing key information relating to that order.


If the User does not wish to receive emails from the Company, he may apply for unsubscription by following the unsubscribe links in all email of the Company.

The Company attracts the attention of the User to the fact that the unsubscription disables all links in emails that he received from the Society earlier. Users no longer have access to any products supplied by this means which have not been recorded on his computer.


Payment is by credit card, PAYPAL, cash or bank transfer. Online payment is done through secure banking channels.

If the credit card of the User is denied, the Company reserves the right to resubmit it within a certain time and as often as the laws and rules allow.

The Company reserves the right to add, delete, suspend, temporarily or permanently replace the payment systems in order to optimize the quality of service without notice.

The Company reserves the right to change prices of its offers without notice to User.

The price paid for each item is clear to the User in the sales documents. This price is clearly stated on the webpage where he set up his purchase. The price is quoted in dollars. Prices shown are net addition to the client. There are no shipping costs.

The texts are accessible only through ordered payment by the User and the payment is validated by the Company. Regarding payment by mail, the treatment can take several days and delaying delivery. The User, after filling out his form, will be offered several modes of secure online payment..

For all questions relating to the payment, the User may contact the company responsible for secure payment:

Société Générale, 28 cours de l'Intendance 33000 Bordeaux, France However the Company is solely responsible for the content of the Site.

The User can cancel their order within 14 days from the purchase without giving any reason.

The User may exercise its rights by sending an email stating his name and e-mail to:

Customer Service 76 Boulevard Jean-Jacques Bosc 33130 BEGLES - FRANCE or

The user will be refunded no later than 14 days from the day on which the Company receives the cancellation notice using the same means of payment as used for the original transaction and no additional fees will be required from the User for such refund.

According to case law on cultural property, the User is informed that the right of cancellation may be exercised only when the downloading of the contents of his ebook has not started. If the User has accessed the link to their ebook they lose their 14 days right to cancel the order.


Users are informed that the content is provided as is. The Company accepts no responsibility over time, maintaining access, or erasing the contents ordered.

The Company accepts no liability for failure to save the order or the User's account.

The User is solely responsible for any damage caused to his computer or data it contains and which result from accessing, downloading or saving of content offered by the Company.

The Company disclaims any responsibility for problems that may arise during secure transactions. That responsibility lies with different agencies providing these services.


The Company may retain personal data of the User who has filled in an order form on the site or a page which is attached, whether for a free or paid product.

Privacy Policy - Charter relating to privacy. The User is asked to provide information about himself (name, email address etc..).The information that the client communicates on the Website allows to process and provide orders. Customers may only object to the processing of personal data for legitimate reasons.

Pursuant to Article 32 of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, information needed by to process and fulfill orders, is marked with an asterisk in the pages of the Website. Other information requested, for which the response is optional, is aimed at better understanding the customer and improve the products and services that are offered. The processing of personal data is performed by the Customer , which undertakes to ensure adequate protection of information provided to guarantee the respect of privacy and fundamental rights and freedoms of persons in accordance with the Data Protection Act No 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data, files and freedom. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the Customer has a right to access, modify and delete data concerning him (Articles 38-40 of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978). Thus, the Customer may request to be corrected, completed, clarified, updated or deleted information that is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, outdated. The Company will endeavor to make the requested changes quickly on the information contained in its existing files.

The Customer may exercise its rights by sending an email stating his name, address and e-mail to :

Customer Service
76 Boulevard Jean-Jacques Bosc 33130 BEGLES - FRANCE


When you visit the Site, and / or its partners can store information on your computer. This information will take the form of "Cookie" or similar file.

"Cookies" are data sent through your server's hard drive on your computer that contain no personal information. The particular role of cookies is to identify you when you log on the site and facilitate your participation in certain events and activities on the Site.

reserves the right to implement a "Cookie" in the computer of any Internet User visiting the site to record any information relating to the navigation of the computer on the site to know, and without this list being limited to any information on pages visited and the dates and times for consultation.

"Cookies" can not be used to read information contained in files on your computer. Most browsers allow you to delete Cookies from your hard drive, block all cookies or receive a warning before a "Cookie" is copied. Please refer to your browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these functions.

In the event you choose to refuse acceptance of cookies on the hard drive of your computer, the operation of the Site will not be optimum for your device,for example concerning a procedure for uploading files.


The Company undertakes to implement all reasonable technical solutions to allow permanent access to the site and to the texts and illustrations related to it, subject to necessary maintenance work, own Internet Network breakdowns or malicious acts beyond its control. Access to the service is done from a PC connected to a telecommunications network allowing access to the Site according to the communication protocols used on the Internet network. The Company shall not be liable for any interruption of services of the site due to possible breakdowns and maintenance operations necessary for their effective functioning, User behavior and more generally as a result of any event beyond control.

Accordingly, the Company disclaims any responsibility for any inability to access its Web site or pages of text and illustrations related to it.

The Company can not guarantee that the site is free of computer viruses or anomalies beyond its control.

Similarly, the Company shall not be held responsible for any inability of a User to use the features of the site or have access to

The Company shall not be held responsible for any consequences resulting from any virus, bugs, technical failures, or any damage to equipment, in any form whatsoever, during and / or when using the features present on the Website.


The Company disclaims any liability for any breach of its contractual obligations in the event of major incidents or unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited to, war, disasters, fires, strikes internal or external or internal fault or external failures, and in general any event preventing the proper execution of orders.


According to case law on cultural property, the User is informed that the right of withdrawal may be exercised only when the downloading of the contents of his ebook has not started. In all other cases, the User can invoke any right of withdrawal.


All items contained in the Site and associated Sites (texts, images, trademarks, logos, symbols, software, sound, algorithms, databases..) and all information submitted by the Company or its suppliers are wholly owned by and / or its partners and therefore protected by national law and international intellectual property, trademark law recognized by the legislation.

As such, without the prior written consent of and / or its partners, you can not make any reproduction, adaptation, translation and / or processing, or partial or transfer to any another website any material from the Site.The User is denied any rights to the content and intellectual property rights of the Website.

Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute trademark infringement involving your civil and criminal liability. In accordance with the Code of Intellectual Property, only authorized use of components of the site for strictly personal reasons is allowed.

Any implementation of hypertext links to the Website must be agreed prior written

Any unauthorized use of all or part of the contents of the Website and any intellectual property rights infringement mentioned in this article, whether by reproduction in whole or in part, or by reason of any modification or any unauthorized use of all or part of the contents of the Website and the intellectual property rights is punishable under French law applies and may be subject to prosecution.


These Terms come into force after acceptance by the Client of these Terms when sending his email address and personal details to the Website and will continue indefinitely unless amended or deleted by the Company.


These Terms are governed by the laws of the country hosting the site's servers The parties agree that the contract with the User is subject to French law. Any difficulty in interpreting or implementing the Terms is the exclusive responsibility of the competent courts of Bordeaux.


Company responsible for operating the Website: ATOLL Head Office Address: 76 Boulevard Jean-Jacques Bosc 33130 BEGLES - FRANCE SARL au capital de 3000 euros


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Terms & Conditions